Wanted: Business Manager
Thanks to public documents released to Shorewoodian and seasoned reporter Geoff Davidian, we know that the district business manager...
I'm seeking a second term on our board - vote April 5, 2022!
Wanted: Business Manager
There are facts and then there's FACT
What does it mean to "Say Yes" to our schools?
It just got real...
Are you assuming your taxes are set as low as possible?
I'm in.
What happens when you assume?
School leaders hear what they want to hear: a "yes."
Facilities plans are crystallizing - are you paying attention?
Cheers to showing up
Walls have a way of getting political.
Spending plans for 2018-2019
Laying the groundwork for a big pile of debt
Maintenance and Operations: How Shorewood Measures Up
Accounting matters