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I'm seeking a second term on our board - vote April 5, 2022!

Emily Berry
Sep 5, 20183 min read
Facilities plans are crystallizing - are you paying attention?
There were a good two dozen people in attendance at Tuesday's annual meeting, present to listen to the highlights of the school...
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Emily Berry
Aug 30, 20183 min read
Cheers to showing up
There were a good two dozen people in attendance at Tuesday's annual meeting, present to listen to the highlights of the school...
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Emily Berry
Aug 24, 20181 min read
Your meeting
Once a year, the school district is required to call a meeting for village residents to consider and (usually) approve a tax levy to...
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Emily Berry
Jul 11, 20188 min read
Walls have a way of getting political.
UPDATE/POSTSCRIPT: The special Friday the 13th meeting resulted in a reversal - the wall has indeed been knocked down. Lots of wasted...
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Emily Berry
Jun 27, 20182 min read
Spending plans for 2018-2019
Tuesday's regular meeting was much shorter than usual and was missing two board members, but the remaining three voted on significant...
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Emily Berry
Jun 26, 20183 min read
No summer break - school district work is in full swing
This week's school board meeting should be a revealing and busy one, as the board takes up topics that should be of keen interest to...
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Emily Berry
Jun 12, 20186 min read
Laying the groundwork for a big pile of debt
I'll start this post with a positive: a room full of people showed up last week to hear about the district's facilities plan and the role...
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Emily Berry
May 23, 20189 min read
If a meeting happens and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
If you knew that the school district had a dozen work groups meeting regularly to discuss specific issues and advise school district...
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Emily Berry
May 10, 20184 min read
A Small Town Hall
The school board hosted their final linkage of the year Tuesday night, welcoming anyone and everyone for a Town Hall immediately before...
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Emily Berry
May 7, 20189 min read
Full email thread: our Superintendent on Student Transfers
Readers, our district superintendent Bryan Davis emailed me earlier today taking issue with the way I framed my recent post on transfers...
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Emily Berry
May 3, 20185 min read
Are students of color and their families giving up on Shorewood School District?
A few months ago, I started hearing talk of several African-American students leaving our high school and transferring to other nearby...
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Emily Berry
Apr 25, 20184 min read
Two people with big, new shoes to fill
Our district leadership has decided to create two new positions -- one at each of our elementary schools -- whose jobs will come with...
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Emily Berry
Mar 19, 20186 min read
A vision for technology absent teacher insight
Note: you can watch the video of Tuesday's regular meeting here. This week's school board meeting was full of news, including a preview...
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Emily Berry
Mar 13, 20185 min read
Maintenance and Operations: How Shorewood Measures Up
[Important edits made to this post Tuesday, March 13 regarding the data cited here] Spend a lot of time in any of our schools, and...
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Emily Berry
Mar 7, 20186 min read
A shooting puts school safety and facilities choices into sharp relief
Let's get this out of the way: I'm one of those Moms Demanding Action. I haven't volunteered with them in a long time because I decided...
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Emily Berry
Mar 6, 20182 min read
A response to my criticism of consulting, travel and coherent governance
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my original post about Coherent Governance and the money we spent on travel and consulting...
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Emily Berry
Mar 6, 20183 min read
Do School Rankings Matter?
This archived post appeared on my original blog site Feb. 25, 2017 (Update added May 9, 2018: Our most recent ranking is #30) Shorewood...
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Emily Berry
Feb 28, 20188 min read
An Open Letter to our School Leadership
I understand that only two of you -- specifically, our board president and our superintendent, are really supposed to speak for you all...
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Emily Berry
Feb 14, 20184 min read
A quickie for Mardi Gras
It was a mercifully shorter meeting tonight for the School board compared to the last one, and not action-packed, but still included a...
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Emily Berry
Feb 5, 20184 min read
Who knows what a "yogurt pak" is?
There are a lot of big, important conversations about big important topics going on in our school district lately, but I want to make...
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