Transphobia is not protecting female athletes.
In several states - the latest came today in Iowa - lawmakers have banned transgender girls from competing as part of girls’ teams. This...
I'm seeking a second term on our board - vote April 5, 2022!
Transphobia is not protecting female athletes.
Why We Can't Slow Down
Why We Can't Stop Now
Six month checkup
Comments on the work ahead.
Wanted: Business Manager
There are facts and then there's FACT
What does it mean to "Say Yes" to our schools?
It just got real...
Are you assuming your taxes are set as low as possible?
Writing racial equity into policy
I'm in.
What happens when you assume?
"Please don't say 'this is a journey'"
School leaders hear what they want to hear: a "yes."
Unequal access to power
Waiting for leadership
We failed. Let's get out of the way.
How do we define good character and citizenship? Should schools even try?
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